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Friday, 12 February 2016

I.C.U. beds

Working Specification:
  • Size: - 198 cm (78") x - 84cm (33") x H - 61cm (24")
  • The main frame made from 25mm x 50mm x 1.22 mm (18 SWG) ms rectangular tubes, which it makes rigid & sturdy Cardiac Bed.
  • Four-section top made from 1.22 mm (18 SWG). Sheets uniformly perforated suitably fitted to the top.
  • I. V. location and urine bag hook provided.
  • Backrest, knee rest, head low/ up maneuvered by screw system. Provided with thrust ball bearing.
  • Additionally the leg rest section adjusted on two 10mm shaft.
  • Three screws easily wind able by independent handle.
  • MS Material Pre-treated in seven tanks chemical process & epoxy powder coated, which it makes uncorrosive Medical Equipment / Hospital Furniture / Medical furniture.
  • 125mm dia. breakable casters, Collapsible or removable side railing, 4" thick mattress made by good quality rexin, quire, pillow, I.V. Attachment height adjustable, Side buffer wheels.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Standard nursing gear and equipment list

Choosing the right medical gear as a nurse is essential for being able to work effectively and comfortably in a medical environment where long hours, lots of standing and handling ill and injured patients is a normal, daily responsibility.
It’s also extremely important to have the right equipment in order to assess their patients condition, stay organized, stay connected with their team and keep track of time.
Below is a list of some of the most common nursing gear used at hospitals and health care centers.


Scrubs are very popular in the nursing community and rightfully so.
Scrubs are comfortable to move in, light, easy to clean and easy to remove which is extremely important in the medical profession, especially when working with sick and injured patients.
After working in scrubs it becomes apparent how much of a hindrance jeans and long sleeve shirts can be.


While shoe’s may not sound like an important topic to discuss they can make a big difference in a nurses life.
Nurses generally work 12 hour shifts which involve a lot of standing and walking so having a comfortable, breathable, light pair of walking shoe’s with lots of support can make a huge difference at the end of the day.
Poorly chosen shoe’s can cause serious back and foot pain when used for long periods of time.


Having a high quality stethoscope is an extremely important piece of equipment for nurses and doctors as it allows medical specialists to listen for heart and lung abnormalities, and is one of the quickest and most useful ways to detect physical problems in their patients.


Medical bags and totes are essential in the nursing field as the are necessary for being able to carry around all of the nurses medical equipment.
This can items such as a medical planner, stethoscope, dressing scissors, thermometer, pulse oxometer, batteries, medical tape, saline flushes, telemetry calipers, writing utensils, hand sanitizer/alcohol wipes and other cleanliness products, lotion, PDA, smartphone and/or tablet, snacks, water bottles, lunch and other essential/nonessential item.
Without a proper medical bag it would be difficult for nurses to manage all of their duties effectively and efficiently.


Medical reference/handbooks and pocket guides offer nurses invaluable on the go information to help them make better decisions and avoid mistakes in their healthcare setting.
A good reference books will help nurses follow the best medical procedures, understand the proper use of drugs/medications and their potential reactions, maintain quality healthcare guidelines and improve patient care through research and best healthcare practices.
In fact many nurses carry handbooks/pocket guides to help them remember important healthcare information and provide them with quick references so they can make better decisions in the workplace.


Pen lights allow nurses to check and gauge pupil dilation which can help them get a better sense of their patients condition such as whether or not they are conscious and/or if there are any cognitive abnormalities with the patient.
By being able to quickly assess these possibilities it give nurses a better idea of what type of ailment their patient may be suffering from and can help the nurse decide what types of questions they should ask to find the route of the problem.


In today’s day and age being able to record important medical data, keep track of various medical tasks and easily communicate with other healthcare professionals within a health care facility such as a hospital or nursing home is extremely important.
Being able to get in touch with a nurse who is in another room can mean the difference between life and death in health care and wireless digital devices give doctors and nurses more ways to communicate with one another and understand what’s going on so that they can address important issues immediately.
Smart phones and tablets are becoming powerful tools for helping healthcare professionals explain complex medical procedures that they need to patients understand and makes it easy for health care specialists to find references to drugs and medical equipment and/or procedures which helps minimize mistakes and provides patients with a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Whether a nurse needs to look up a medical reference, record their work shift for the week, send of important healthcare data to a doctor or healthcare provider, or answer a page/phone call from a team member having a wireless devices such as a smartphone, tablet or PDA can make the workplace a much more effective environment.


Nurses have to be extremely coordinated and having a good sense of time is a must in this profession.
Watches allow nurses to focus on and separate the various important tasks in their daily working lives and helps them designate a specific amount of time to each of their tasks.
Without a watch it would be almost impossible to keep track of what’s going on and how long they been working on a task.


Pens, Pencils, clipboards, paper and medical forms are all necessary to help nurses keep track their patients conditions and manage the progression of their health.
Without being able to document patient and medical information nurses would not be able to properly assess, diagnose, track and treat their patients, and they would not be able to organize the various important tasks that they are responsible for handling.


Dressing scissors are an essential tool that is used to cut bandages and medical tape for dressing wounds or removing old bandages.
The medical scissors that nurses use are typically small stainless steel scissors designed for easy carrying and made specifically for cutting medical materials.
Most dressing scissors are also designed to be rust proof and may have a non stick surface coating to prevent them from getting stuck or sticky when being used.


Blood pressure monitors are vital for getting a quick reading on a patients blood pressure level.
Nurses may carry a lightweight portable blood pressure monitor with them as they move from room to room in order to check their patients heart rate or blood pressure.
Some nurses purchase their own blood pressure monitor so they’ll always have their own device and be able to have easy access to blood pressure readings when they are on the go.


An easy to carry portable thermometer is a great way for nurses to quickly check a patients temperature so that they can diagnose potential healthcare problems quickly.
Having an accurate thermometer with a digital reader is very useful for helping nurses get precise readings when they are needed.


Pulse oximeter’s are very small useful digital devices that nurses use to check a patients pulse.
These devices can be placed on a patients finger in order to get accurate blood oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate readings.
The ultra portability of this device makes it an ideal item for nurses to carry on them when they need to obtain important medical readings of their patients.


Depending on the healthcare center a nurse works for and the materials they use at their facility a nurse may carry their own hand sanitizer/antiseptics with them when they go to work, or their job may provide them with their own special hand sanitizers.
As is commonly known in the medical field hand sanitization is an extremely important part of medical care and is necessary for preventing germs and other harmful materials from infecting patients and/or the nurses assisting them.

Body support products for pain relief and support

Instruments used in general medicine

Stethoscopesused to hear sounds from movements within the body like heart beats, intestinal movement, breath sounds, etc.
Reflex testing hammer (padded)to test motor reflexes of the body
Sphygmomanometer(Blood pressuremeter)to record the patient's blood pressure
A thin beam electric torchto see into the eye, body's natural orifices, etc., and to test for pupillary light reflex, etc.
A watch / stopwatchused in recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.; for certain tests of hearing
A measuring tapefor size measurements
Tongue Depressorfor use in oral examination
A weighing machineto record the weight
Tuning forksto test for deafness and to categorize it
Kidney dishas a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue, etc.
Bedpanfor patients who are unconscious or too weak to even sit up of walk to the toilet to defecate
Thermometerto record the body temperature
Gas cylinderssupply of oxygennitrous oxidecarbon dioxide, etc.
Oxygen mask or tubesdelivering gases up to the nostrils to assist in oxygen intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs
Vaporizerto produce vapors
Instrument sterilizersUsed to sterilize instruments in absence of an autoclave
Dressing drumsstorage of gowns, cotton, linen, etc.
Nebulizerto produce aerosols of drugs to be administered by respiratory route
Positive pressureventilatorto assist or carry out the mechanical act of inspiration and expiration so that the patient who can not respire on his / her own may respire; it is a component of "life support"
Cardioverter /Defibrillatorto correct arrhythmias of the heart or to start up a heart that is not beating
Dialyserto remove toxic materials from the blood that are generally removed by the kidneys; used in case of renal failure
Rubber catheterto drain and collect urine directly from the bladder (primary use); also to act as a makeshift oxygen tube, etc.
Syringe of different sizes and needlesfor injections and aspiration of blood or fluid from the body
Canulaa kind of a needle that is used to create a permanent pathway to a vein (or artery) for the purpose of repeated injections or infusion of intravenous fluids
Transfusion setsused to transfuse blood and blood products
Suckerfor sucking up blood or secretions)
Gastrointestinal tubes[3]
Nasogastric tubeused for nasogastric suction (or at times introduction of food or drugs). vide link
Stomach tubeA tool used for feeding.
•Levin's tubea plastic catheter introduced through the nose and used in gastric intubation for gastric decompression or gavage feeding.
•Kehr's "T" tubeurinary
•Infant feeding tube-do-; for infants
Spectaclesfor protection of the eyes or for refractive error correction
Enema setto passively evacuate the rectum of faeces; vide link
Bandageto cover and protect certain areas of the body such as recent injury
Pipettes or droppersto measure out doses of liquid, specially in children
Graduated spoonsto measure out doses of liquids
Ophthalmoscopeto look at the retina
Otoscopeto look into the external ear cavity
Endoscopeto look inside the oesophagusstomach, upper intestinesbile ductlarynxtracheabronchi-through the mouthanal canalrectumcolon- through anus; used mainly in Surgery or by surgical consultants
Proctoscopeto look inside anal canal and lower part of the rectum
Linenfor dressing and draping
Beds, bottle stands, etc.

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